Colombia Private Investigators & Investigation Services
Severg is having the consistent aim of giving the effective processes of its great investigators who are actively operating in the entire region of Colombia to deliver the brilliant processes of supreme investigation to assist the people at various fronts by giving the best private investigation services to have the effective risk protections to secure the major operations and routine activities against unidentified threats persist in the organizations throughout the country. It is the quality and consistency of our professionals which inspires them to invent the best processes of great investigations to open numerous ways to develop and grow in the business world.
Severg has created the best niche of its ideal private investigators in Colombia which is best utilized by majority of clients in getting the cutting edge solution of all investigation needs all across the country. Our dedicated professionals achieve the supreme goal by takingthe good cater of all needs and providing the best platform to use ourservices to get the instant solution without much hassle in processes.
Our distinguished protocols are well utilized by all in entire region of Colombia including major cities like Santiago, Antofagasta, Vina Del Mar, Valparaiso, Talcahuano, San Bernardo, Temuco, Iquique, Concepcion, Rancagua, Talca, Arica, Coquimbo, Puerto Montt and La Serenaso in order to get the extended supports in getting the perfect solution of all problems by using well set private investigations throughout the country.
Our Private Investigation Services in Colombia as follows:-
- Corporate Surveillance Services
- Anti-Counterfeiting Investigations
- Trademark, Copyright, Design & Patent Infringement Investigation
- IP Enforcement Actions
- Insurance Claim Investigation
- Corporate Due Diligence Investigation
- Service of Process
- Corporate Investigations
- Human Resources Investigations
- Internal Corporate Investigation
- Insurance Investigations
- International Sample or Test Purchase
- Legal Process Services
- Background & Asset Check
- Missing Persons Investigations
Corporate investigations and private investigation services are conducted to identify and address potential misconduct, fraud or other irregularities within a company. We are offering our investigative services to company's management or board of directors or external entities such as regulatory agencies or law enforcement.
The scope of a corporate investigation may include reviewing financial records, due diligence investigations, interviewing employees and stakeholders, analyzing vendors data and records, background checks, intellectual property rights investigation & enforcement and conducting various international investigations. Our local Investigators may also collect information from external sources such as suppliers, customers, 3rd party vendors or competitors.
The findings of an investigation may lead to disciplinary action, legal proceedings, changes in company policies or procedures to prevent future misconduct and financial losses.
For more information about our investigation services, please send your query to us at [email protected].

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